A Study Of Philadelphia Jefferson County

Name of Location: Philadelphia

State: New York

County: Jefferson

Philadelphia is a village in Jefferson County, New York in the United States. It is located at 44°9′9″N 75°42′30″W. It covers a total land area of 2.3 km. The village is elevated at 148 metres above sea level.

The census in 2000 showed that Philadelphia had 1,519 people, 406 families, and 546 households, with a population density of 651.7/km². With 595 housing units, the average density of the village was 255.3/km². In terms of racial make up, the population was comprised of 85.98% White, 6.65% African-American, 1.45% Asian, 0.59% Native American, 0.13% Pacific Islander, 5.20% Latino, 2.50% from other races, and 2.70% from two or more races.

Of the 546 households, 46.5% had children below 18 years of age, 58.2% were married couples, 12.1% had a female head of household, and 25.5% were non-family members. In addition, 21.4% were unmarried individuals and 11.5% had residents aged 65 and above. The average household size and the average family size were 2.78 and 3.23, respectively.

The age distribution in the village is as follows: 35.1% of the population were below 18 years of age, 11.7% were aged 18 to 24, 31.9% were aged 25 to 44, 13.0% were aged 45 to 64, and 8.3% were aged 65 and above. The median age of the residents was 27 years. There were 94.5 males for every 100 females living in the village.

The median household income was $27,083, while the median family income was $30,078. Males had a median income of $27,833 and females had $20,764. The village had a per capita income of $12,210.